Rules of User Interface & User Experience design

UI/UX is the hip language of today’s tech experts. But what is it? What do UI/UX designers do, and how to become one? This article covers it all.

What does a UI UX designer do?

UX designers are in charge of giving users the best possible experience when they engage with a digitalized product, such as a website or a coffee maker. Some people are interested in service design, such as improving the entire experience of taking public transit or going to the doctor.

Their primary focus is on observing consumers, analyzing their behavior, and designing a user path that allows them to do their intended activities with little effort.

The day-to-day work of a UX designer varies significantly between firms and even among assignments within the same business. The common responsibilities of the designers are as follows:

• Conduct a user study: Understanding users’ behavior, objectives, motivations, and requirements.
UX teams can gather data in many ways, including user stakeholder interviews, competitive
analyses, online surveys, and focus groups. The input is processed and turned into descriptive
and analytical statistics to aid decision-making.

• Create identities for users: Identifying important user groups and developing personas that
reflect their habits and characteristics. Personas may be used to create detailed scenarios, such
as a day in the life of a persona, that demonstrate how the product fits into the user’s daily

• Construct prototypes: Preparing an engaging final version of the software that is either
interactive or tactile throughout development. It should let the client test the product’s major
interactions. Designers may even create prototypes as videos to take customers through the
product’s design functionalities using modern prototyping technologies.

• Use actual people to test your items: Obtaining user input based on a minimal viable product
(MVP). A minimal viable product (MVP) is the initial iteration of a product that meets the basic
requirements for market entry. Product assessment can be organized (designers get user
feedback by asking specified questions) or unplanned (designers gather feedback from users by
asking relevant questions).

In layman’s terms, a UX/UI Designer helps people understand computer goods such as apps, websites, and software programs. While UX is concerned with the user’s experience, UI is concerned with designing all the elements that make up an interface.

A UX/UI Designer, in particular, works in a tight line with business goals. This is because computer items are the company’s primary point of contact with its consumers. In reality, items have become more symbolic of a company’s ability to innovate.

When it comes to user experience, a UX/UI Designer keeps a close eye on things and conducts multiple audience surveys to learn about user profiles, backgrounds, and preferences. When it pertains to the user interface, his or her job includes developing all of the computer’s user interfaces.

Furthermore, a UX/UI Designer must be on the watch for the most recent design advances in order to ensure the product remains at the leading edge of technology.

The Difference Between UX and UI Design

What are UX and UI in the first place?

Before we go into detail about what a UX designer performs, it’s vital to first define what UX design is. The connection between actual human users (like you and me) and daily goods/services, like websites, applications, and even coffee makers, is the emphasis of user experience design. It’s a wide-ranging field that incorporates elements of psychology, business, market analysis, development, and technologies.

UX designers, as you’ve seen, are required to wear a variety of hats. In the second piece, we’ll look more closely at what a UX designer performs. UX is not a new concept. In reality, the word has been around since the early 1990s, when Donald Norman, an Apple cognitive neuroscientist, originated it. Don Norman was fascinated by every facet of a user’s contact with a product or service, including manufacturing, visuals, the user interface, and personal contact. He coined the phrase “user experience” to describe all of the factors that influence how a user feels when engaging with a device.

User interface (UI) focuses on improving people’s interactions with computers. It works by predicting users’ wants and creating custom inputs to bring them where they need and want to go. Though not all-inclusive of the word, UI is an element of UX. Visual design, technology architecture, and user experience are also used. The User interface design improves the entire user experience. A UI designer aims to make the experience with a smart device as accessible as possible by using icons, buttons, visual components, color, responsive design, and information architecture.

Developing a sitemap with a clear content hierarchy so users can quickly access the data they need or visual design, such as colorful buttons, to encourage visitors to perform a specific call to action are two examples of business applications. Up-to-date UI best practices include keeping minimalistic, similar, and current.

What’s the difference between UX and UI design?

The concepts UX (user experience) and UI (user interface) are mutually exclusive. While UI deals with how people interact with computer networks, programs, and apps, UX is more broadly concerned with a user’s whole experience with a brand, product, or service.

The user interface, for instance, is mainly concerned with the device’s physical elements, such as the display, controls, scrolling functions, and sound; user experience, on the other hand, is a broader phrase that encompasses everything a user encounters from beginning to end. Because the two are so closely related, people frequently mix up UI with UX. The user interface is an important aspect of a user’s total experience because it is the part of a technology with which a user interacts the most, but it does not include the whole user experience throughout a website or platform. The idea of UI vs. UX being compared to restaurants is a popular one. If UI refers to the plate, silverware, and napkins, UX refers to the lighting, entertainment, and customer support that help you enjoy your meal.

Understanding the differences between UI and UX is critical, particularly if you want to work on them professionally because they demand distinct skill sets. We’ll look at what these phrases represent, how they’re linked, and what the distinction is between UI and UX in this post.

UX vs. UI design: Which is the right direction for you?

In terms of skill set, both career options are viable. Follow your passion, understand the job, and practice the skills before deciding on a profession. This will lead to more success and chances. These abilities can also lead to positions such as UI Web Design, UX Web Design, and Web Designer. It’s all about demonstrating your talents to recruiters in order to land a job as a UX/UI designer. Interviews will be attractive to you because of your design sensibility, product concept, and soft skills. So, don’t forget to include both soft and technical talents in your resumes.

Read several case studies and practice some problem-solving and analytical thinking scenarios that you have gone through as you prepare to face interviewers. As per a Glassdoor wage assessment, UX designers were paid more than UI designers. But it’s not a major issue. As a job candidate, you can see that UX designers have a lot more responsibilities than UI designers. UX/UI designers are being hired as a combined skill set by certain firms.

UX designer jobs are a relatively new addition to the labor market. Because UX designers are adopting UI Design Talents, several organizations are recruiting UX/UI designers with a combination of skills. Alternatively, you can work as a UI designer before pursuing a career as a UX Designer.

Rules every designer should know

UI/UX is not the same

Many designers make the mistake of confusing UX and UI design, as though they are the same thing. Understanding the differences between the two professions is critical, and we went through UX design in-depth in the article What You Should Know About Customer Experience. In a nutshell, User Interface refers to the physical area where humans engage with products, whereas User Experience refers to the emotional response to such encounters.

Know Your Audience

It should go without saying that the market is one of the most crucial variables to consider when developing a product. If you want to develop a product that your users absolutely love, you have to find out what their wants and needs are. Before you begin creating, remember to keep your users in mind! This will help to focus on advantages rather than features when providing value to customers who will use your business.

Test with real User

Designers frequently presume that the individuals who will use their interfaces will be similar to themselves. As a result, designers put their own responses and behaviors onto their customers. But it is a huge mistake to believe that you are your user. In psychology, this is known as the falsified effect, which is the propensity to think that others share our ideas and would act similarly in a particular situation.

People that will use your product are likely to come from a variety of backgrounds, have various perspectives, mindsets, and ambitions. To put it another way, they aren’t you.

Adapt design for short attention spans

The period of time someone can focus on a task without being distracted is known as their attention span. According to Microsoft research from 2015, the average human attention span has decreased from 12 seconds to 8 seconds. This suggests that our attention span is currently shorter than that of a goldfish. Designers must adapt to this behavior in order to provide consumers with the knowledge they want as rapidly as feasible.

The UX process isn’t set in stone

Some developers believe there is a single universal UX approach that can be used on any project. Unfortunately, there is nothing such as a one-size-fits-all approach to user experience design. While specific phases for each project can be defined, a precise UX process should always be chosen based on project objectives – each project is unique and has its own set of criteria. This means that, in order to provide the greatest possible customer experience, a designer must be willing to adjust their design approach to the requirements of the project.

Prototype before you build a real product

Prototyping is the process of making a version of a product in order to test it. You may use prototyping tools to test your idea before working with an engineering team to construct the final product. Prototyping may be done using a variety of design methodologies. Rapid prototyping is a valuable prototyping approach. It’s a common method for fast prototyping a product’s future state, whether it’s a web or an application, and verifying it with a set of consumers.

Use real content when designing

Most developers don’t consider content throughout the design process, opting for Lorem Ipsum over genuine prose and placeholders for real graphics. Though such a design may appear attractive on a designer’s artboard, the picture may be quite diverse when the same layout is loaded with real data.

Keep things simple and consistent

In addition, interfaces must be coherent across a design. Several developers purposefully use irregularities in style to make things look more innovative and distinctive. Various color palettes, for instance, might be utilized on different pages of the website. Users are frequently confused and frustrated by such design choices. As a result, it’s critical to retain design elements recognizable at all times, emphasizing the most significant aspects of your layout.

Recognition over recall

Rather than forcing consumers to recollect knowledge, designers should guarantee that they can immediately identify how to use specific elements of their product. Make information and interface functionalities transparent and easily available to reduce cognitive stress.

Make design usable and accessible

Users with limited vision, deafness, auditory impairments, cognitive problems, or movement disabilities can all benefit from a well-designed product. Certainly, accessibility brings a set of restrictions to consider when designing your product, but enhancing accessibility improves convenience for all consumers.

Don’t try to solve a problem yourself

Working with as many users as possible to gather their opinions, thoughts, and comments on your work is essential while creating.

Don’t try to solve everything at once

It may be required to review some of the previous research or to experiment with fresh design concepts. Don’t expect your design to be flawless after only one iteration. Instead, polish your ideas to the point where you can test them with actual consumers, gather constructive advice, and improve as a result of that input.

Preventing errors is better than fixing them

When humans interact with user interfaces, they frequently make mistakes. They occasionally occur as a result of user error and occasionally as a result of an app’s failure. Whatever the reason for the issue, how it is addressed has a significant influence on the user experience. Users despise mistakes, and they despise even more the notion that they were the cause of such conduct. As a result, you should work to either remove or detect error-prone scenarios.

Offer informative feedback

Consumers would like to know where they are in a provider’s network, and applications shouldn’t leave users guessing; instead, they should inform them what’s going on with effective visual response. Giving consumers immediate visual feedback, such as an animated signal when they commence an action, is a wonderful method to let them know that the interface is functioning.

Avoid dramatic redesigns

The best way to handle a redesign is to take it slowly and make small changes here and there. Many users probably wouldn’t notice you’re redesigning unless you’ve completed the overhaul.

How do I become a UX UI designer?

It’s an exceptionally exciting moment to work as a UX designer right now.

Creating intelligent, entertaining, and inclusive user experiences have never been more important—and as a UX designer, you can help shape the goods and services of the future. Here are the following steps to follow to become a designer:

1. Start learning about user experience (UX).

2. Understand the fundamentals of user experience design.

3. Discover the most important UX design methodologies and procedures.

4. Invest in a reputable UX course to help you organize your learning.

5. Use everything you’ve learned to work on real-world tasks.

6. Acquire a basic knowledge of the instruments of the trade.

7. Create a UX portfolio.

8. Make connections with both aspiring and established entrepreneurs.


2022 will be an exciting year for technology, and learning UX/UI design or implementing it can create a positive impact on your organization. I believe in the near future; there will be two roads, one of which is the AR advancement, which is right around the corner. The other will be a continual progression of Contemporary UI trends. Some products will pull in one direction, while others will pull in the other. We could see a blend of elevated designs and perhaps super-minimalism.

However, the fundamental concepts of depths and graphic designs are likely to stay consistent.

If you want to get ahead of others and embrace the future right now, book a consultation session with Intelligences now!

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